
Your membership supports the Triple Crown Awards which curate a yearly list of thirty titles that are wholesome, with age-appropriate situations and edifying themes. Membership to the awards also includes supplies to help administer the awards at your school. Every year members are sent book spine labels to easily identify the books on the shelves, a set of winner and honor seals, and a poster to display in your library (there are limited quantities of posters, and they are received on a first come first serve basis). 

 Register Now!


1. NOMINATIONS - Students, teachers, parents, librarians, and other interested individuals nominate books that have been published in the current and previous calendar year.

2. READING LISTS - After a reviewing process, reading lists are developed and sent to participating schools. Students read some or all of the books on the list. Some schools offer incentives (such as medals or certificates) to their students for reading a specific number of books. Every school is allowed to run the reading process in the way they think best for their school.

3. VOTING - Students vote for their favorite book. Many schools host ballot parties that emphasize the purpose and privilege of voting. The Triple Crown administrator from each school then submits ballot counts online through the member's dashboard. A username and password are provided with membership.

4. AWARDS - After the votes are tallied, the winning books and runners-up are announced to authors, publishers, and participating schools.


October 1 - Registration due. Schools have books ready to be placed in the library or classrooms

January 25 - Next year's list sent to all schools

April 30 - Ballots due

May 15 - Voting results sent to all schools and publishers and authors are notified of the winners


Membership includes voting privileges for your school, one set of spine stickers (10), one set of seals (2), and one poster. 

Gallery Registration - $26.00 
Gallery Registration for NCSA Member Schools - $0.00
Crown Registration - $26.00
Crown Registration for NCSA Member Schools - $0.00
Lamplighter Registration - $26.00
Lamplighter Registration for NCSA Member Schools - $0.00


Extra Spine Sticker Set (10) - $5.50 each
Extra Seal Set (2) - $8.50 each
Extra Seal - $6.50 each
Medal for Participation - $9.00 each


We've made it easier than ever to purchase the books for your school! Check out the Amazon links on our nominated books.